We are proud to announce the premiere of “The Road to Little Rock” on Thursday, January 24th at the Fargo Theatre. This is the story of Fargo Judge Ronald Davies’ role in the integration of Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas in 1957. Judge Davies, a U.S. District Court Judge was asked to go to Little Rock, Arkansas to help with an overload of cases. On his desk lay the case that changed the course of this country’s Civil Rights History.
After 18 months of writing, shooting, editing and original music writing, the video is ready to premiere at the Fargo Theatre on Thursday, January 24th at 7pm. This event is free and open to the public. It will give everyone the opportunity to see the impact that one judge and nine African-American students had on our county’s history. These courageous students would forever be remembered as The Little Rock Nine. To view a short teaser of this program, visit www.TheRoadtoLittleRock.com.
Following the premiere there will be a panel discussion that will include Moderator/Historian Carl Oberholzter, panelists, Dr. Terrence Roberts of the Little Rock Nine, Art Phillips, Video Arts Studios and Dr. Jeffrey M. Schatz, Fargo Public Schools Superintendent.
The Road to Little Rock is sponsored in part by Bell State Bank & Trust, The Forum, Ron D. Offutt Family Foundation, University of North Dakota and the UND Foundation and Alumni Association. The project is supported in part by grants from the Arkansas and North Dakota Humanities Councils, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the State Historical Society of North Dakota with funding from the North Dakota Legislature.